Romantic Porch Swing

Headboard for Swing ProjectSometimes a discarded piece of furniture seems to whisper “There is something hidden here…take me home!”.  An old headboard with a broken down frame seemed to be saying just that when Becky scooped it up.  In this instance, the nice lines of the headboard cranked up the creative processes and Becky knew that there were real possibilities!  It wasn’t long before an empty space on the front porch and that old headboard combined into the thought of a romantic porch swing.

For this project, Becky constructed a new base to match the width of the headboard and reinforced it so that it would hang securely.  A discarded foot-board from another bed, a little trim, and some added hardware brought the swing to life.  All parts were given a unifying finish to camouflage the combined pieces.  Finally, the swing filled that empty space on the porch with a romantic place to curl up with a book or take a nap.

headboard from bed converted to porch swing
Converted headboard-swing project is an invitation to lay-back and relax!

The final product was given a special Becky touch with a padded seat and several throw pillows.  Depending on the season and the need for sun or shade, the swing finds a home on more than one place on the porch…thanks to overhead beams that can safely handle the load.



Antique Door Open to New Ideas

antique door remakeSome old doors are so far gone that they are no longer good candidates for use in a doorway. Becky sees those antique doors in poor condition and transforms them into a functional, attractive pieces of furniture.

It is not unusual for Becky to adds a table, shelves, and maybe hooks to them give an old door new life as a kitchen piece, a hall tree, or even a desk.  With a little  trim to congeal the look of the combined pieces the transformation is nearly complete.  Becky’s special touch of distressing and finishing the surface completes the transformation.

Pictured here is an antique cypress door remade into a hall tree or table. It is currently being used in a kitchen as a hot beverage retreat.





From Bed to Bench

Re-purposed bed, now a bench all dressed up for an afternoon with a a good book
Bed headboard and foot-board made into a cozy bench

So, what do you do with an old bed that has seen better times but is too romantic to be discarded?  The headboard caught Becky’s attention first…and then came the thought of salvaging the remainder to create a bench.   Becky built a bench seat using the salvaged bed parts and the applied her signature distressed surface treatment to the whole project.  With the addition of a few, colorful throw pillows, the Bed-to-Bench project is ready for a new life!